The Passion Behind ALTA
Our trusted process comes from 20 years of experience and the ability to create forward-thinking work strategies. Rooted in our expertise and the latest research, we develop innovative yet dependable approaches. We uphold the highest standards of compliance with key environmental and historic preservation laws and are conscious of every step we recommend to our clients. With each project, we strive to set a standard for the industry. When you choose to work with ALTA, you are choosing reliable outcomes and effective solutions.

The Team

Risa DeGeorgey, MA, RPA
Founder / Primary Owner

Alex DeGeorgey, MA, RPA
Co-Founder / Team Lead

Samantha L. Beck M.S.
Senior Archaeologist / Human Osteologist

Sarah Lyne King-Narasimha, M. Phil
Senior Archaeologist / Geoarchaeologist

Jamie Frattarelli, MA, RPA
Senior Archaeologist / Remote Sensing Specialist / Geographic Information Systems

Michael Newland, MA, RPA
Principal Investigator

Kat Kubal, MA, RPA
Principal Investigator

Kyle Palazzolo, MA, RPA
Senior Archaeologist / Field Director

Melanie S. Radtkey, MA, RPA
Project Coordinator / Historic Archaeologist

Nicholas Radtkey, MA, RPA
Historic Archaeologist / Architectural Historian